Companies use third-party IBM support to achieve contractual flexibility, find IT savings, gain access to product experts, and assist in projects like migrations or decommissions. Learn how we’ve helped our customers achieve their goals.

Sporting Goods Chain Conquers Retail Peak Season with Origina’s On-Point Software Maintenance Advice

Sporting Goods Chain Conquers Retail Peak Season with Origina’s On-Point Software Maintenance Advice

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for retailers, but also the most stressful and most difficult to plan for. Here’s how Origina helped a leader in the sporting goods space keep their IBM estate stable during huge holiday projected activity spikes. Learn more in this case study.

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Sainsbury’s Saves Tens of Millions with Third-Party IBM® Support

Sainsbury’s Saves Tens of Millions with Third-Party IBM® Support

Sainsbury's needed to reduce the risk of downtime during critical, high volume transaction periods while decreasing costs and increasing proactive transformation initiatives. Discover how they achieved their goals in this case study.

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