Your New Year’s Resolution to Cut Costs

January is always the month that a forcible attempt is set to improve the year before. Whether you’re attempting to be healthier, exercise more, quit smoking, go to the gym or save money. The list of New Year’s resolutions goes on and on, but how many people stick to them? The complications with these resolutions are not the absence of commitment; but usually the resolution is made without an achievable target.

What if saving half the cost off your IT budget this year wasn’t an un-achievable target. What if you were able to cut the fat off your IT budget with a guaranteed promised outcome? What if you could maintain your software at half the cost, while receiving a more responsive faster support? What if at the end of this year you had zero regrets and were thrilled with this year’s outcome?

Well, all these hypothetical questions are more than possible when it comes down to switching your support to third-party. Software Subscription and Support is a fundamental condition within your software estate. Renewing your software and maintenance especially with IBM can be strikingly overpriced and can end up devouring into your company’s annual IT budget. But as we know maintenance cannot be left unsupported and this expense must be paid. As the New Year comes around again, IBM’s S&S prices are rising by 10% per annum. For every year you spend with IBM your prices increase. Wouldn’t it be nice to see a price decrease?

Well you can with a third-party software support company. The third-party support industry is becoming progressively more popular as asset managers are becoming increasingly aware of alternative options to their incumbent software vendors.These third-party support companies tend to have smaller teams of service engineers, who have genuine desires to help each one of their clients, offering a more personalized approach.

At Origina, we are the world’s leading provider of independent, third-party IBM software support and maintenance. We offer comprehensive IBM support, with lightning-fast SLA’s, all the while saving our clients an average of 50% off their current IBM support costs.

We, at Origina, take a partnership approach with our clients, enhancing unrivaled support service with advice on the future planning of each supported product. This is achieved, by taking the time to fully understanding each client and putting together the best strategies for their needs and target goals.

If you don’t need IBM, Origina can also advise you on the best third-party support provider for other software products you may have. As Origina solely focuses on IBM support there is a wide range of additional support providers out there that Origina can advise which one would be the best for you.  

By switching to third-party support this year, you can enjoy no forced upgrades, real cost savings, faster response times, software subject-matter experts, access to all upgrades and patches per your PA entitlements, protection against the added costs of forced product upgrades, cost transparency around your existing landscape and maintain business continuity when migrating to the cloud. Company’s need to be able to rely on their estates running smoothly 24/7, 365 days a year and that is what third-party support can help you achieve.  

Decreased support contract costs begin immediately with third-party support, enabling the reduced costs of monthly maintenance. Freeing up these costs monthly allows large savings to build up and up. Instead of focusing on what your company needs today, third-party support focuses on the long-run and cements future strategies. Not only will third-party provide a much more proactive service it has the potential to save your company millions.

Say goodbye to forced upgrades and enjoy 2020 happily supported by your promised New Year’s resolution. Still not convinced? Here’s 5 reasons why IBM clients have switch to Origina.


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