Origina boosts IBM® Z series mainframe users’ freedom of choice with expanded software maintenance offering

PRESS RELEASE – for immediate release

Customer demand inspires third-party software support and maintenance (TPSM) provider to extend its proven methodology to a wider range of IBM products

DUBLIN, Ireland: June 23, 2022 – Today during Empower, the company’s annual customer conference, Origina announced an expansion to its current product offering. Motivated by customer demand, the company will now provide third-party support and maintenance (TPSM) for all IBM perpetually licensed software products on open distributed systems as well as mainframes. Prior to this, Origina’s software maintenance offering focused on IBM Passport Advantage and HCL products.

Mainframe and open system software maintenance face similar challenges

Many of the world’s largest companies – especially those in the banking, retail and healthcare sectors – still rely on mainframes to power billions of daily transactions. These critical core systems are inherently reliable, stable and secure. However, if anything goes wrong, system downtime can pose huge financial and compliance risks for these companies and their customers.


Despite running smoothly for years at a time, outdated vendor policies keep driving up the cost of maintenance , forcing IT departments to spend as much as 90% of their budget on “keeping the lights on.”. At the same time, the shortage of experienced professionals with the skills to maintain these systems puts licensees at the mercy of mega-vendors like IBM. These problems are not unique to mainframes – in fact, they are the exact same challenges faced by every business that depends on software created by the industry’s biggest players.

z series mainframe

Customer confidence inspires Origina to expand offering

Origina was founded over a decade ago to offer businesses a viable alternative to IBM and HCL software support – one with a robust network of experienced IBM product experts and a collaborative approach to support and maintenance. Today, Origina’s customer line-up includes industry-leading telecoms, banks, electric companies and more.

After experiencing Origina’s capabilities firsthand, Southern California Edison was one of many companies that encouraged Origina to expand into the Z series mainframe space. They had come to rely on the expertise and responsiveness of Origina’s team, combined with the dramatic cost savings, and wanted the same level of service across their entire IT landscape. According to Chris Lecosia, former Software Asset and Licensing Manager at Southern California Edison, “If your driver is cost reduction, there’s no better game in town. The support is great, the relationship is great. The hands-on involvement from the Origina support staff and the experience and depth of the global IBM experts that Origina employs are second to none.”

A natural evolution of Origina’s proven abilities

This new offering is a natural extension of what Origina does best. According to Rowan O’Donoghue, Origina’s co-founder and CTO, “It’s the same tried and tested service – we’re now just extending it across Z series mainframes. Our team of 600+ IBM experts are seasoned professionals who live for solving problems and customer satisfaction. Together, we’ll continue to deliver the same value we always have to our customers: the best available third-party software maintenance for half the price.”

About Origina

Origina is a global third-party IBM software support and maintenance provider that Gartner consistently endorses as a cost-intelligent alternative to traditional software mega-vendors. Its team of 600+ global independent IBM product experts work proactively to extend, protect and enhance all versions of IBM and HCL Passport Advantage software on open systems and mainframes.

Origina offers a tailored, consultative independent IBM service that combines superior on-demand support with expert advice to help customers realize immediate cost savings, recover the value locked in traditional systems, de-risk legacy environments and free up valuable resources they can use to accelerate digital transformation programs.

Founded in London in 2013, Origina now supports over 100 global customers, including more than 20 Fortune 500 organizations.

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