When you purchase an IBM® Passport Advantage® perpetual software license, you can use the software for as long as you comply with all the terms in the license agreement.
Each new Passport Advantage license includes 12 months subscription to IBM Software Subscription & Support (S&S). The IBM S&S provides you with access to newer versions and technical support for all your licensed software.
If you choose not to renew your IBM Subscription & Support, you remain entitled to use all commercially available versions of your licensed IBM software products, including any fixes, that are released on or before your S&S expiry date.
To retain the right to use entitled software versions and fixes in the future, you must download them before the expiry of your S&S agreement.
Each year, on the anniversary of your license acquisition, you can choose to renew your IBM S&S offering for a further 12 months or move support to Origina.
To ensure that you can use entitled software and fixes in the future, you must download them before IBM removes download access.
Entitled software is available on IBM Passport Advantage and fixes are available on IBM Fix Central. If your IBM software includes products that have been divested to HCL or another company, you download that software and fixes from their software download portal.
To retain the right to use entitled software versions and fixes in the future, you must download them before the expiry of your S&S agreement.
Downloading all your software entitlements can be confusing and time-consuming. The onboarding team at Origina can help you to determine what needs to be downloaded, from your currently installed version to the latest available version, as well as the fix packs and patches that are associated with those versions.
Acting as your agent, we can perform the downloads on your behalf and provide them to you for safekeeping and future use.
After we download all of your licensed software entitlements, we create an electronic download pack and send you a secure link where you can download it.
The electronic download pack contains:
In the future, using files in your IBM Entitlement Repository is the first option when resolving defects with your IBM software. Origina does not retain a copy of these files so it is essential that you store the repository in a safe place.
Downloading all of your software version entitlements before your S&S expiry date brings the following benefits:
Ability to reinstall software in case of corruption or on new operating systems
Ability to install entitled software patches to address future defects or security vulnerabilities in your IBM software products
Freedom to upgrade to newer entitled versions of products if required
Ability to regain control of your software roadmap
See how much you could save by switching to Origina
upgrade your support